
Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Hotes

Chuo University (中央大学)

Research Interests 

  • Ecology of cultural landscapes
  • Ecosystem functions and ecosystem services
  • Sustainable land management
  • Ecology of wetlands
  • Palaeoecology 
  • Science-Policy Interfaces

University of Marburg


  • BioHolz: Biological diversity and ecosystem services of forests with a focus on the role of wood 
  • LEGATO: Land-use intensity and Ecological EnGineering – Assessment Tools for risks and Opportunities in irrigated rice based production systems 
  • JAGUAR: Sustainable futures for cultural landscapes of JApan and Germany - biodiversity and ecosystem services as Unifying concepts for the management of Agricultural Regions 
  • BioLuz: Biodiversity indicators for sustainable land use in Luzon, Philippines – development, education and awareness-raising

Work Experience

  • 01.04.2019 - Present, Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Integrated Science and Engineering for Sustainable Societies, Chuo University, Korakuen Campus, Tokyo, Japan
  • 01.10.2011 - 31.03.2019, Researcher, Faculty of Biology, Department of Ecology, Animal Ecology, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Karl-von-Frisch Strasse 8, 35032 Marburg, Germany 
  • 01.06.2007 - 30.09.2011, Researcher, Faculty of Biology and Chemistry, Department of Animal Ecology & Systematics, Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Biosciences, Land Use and Nutrition, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen. 
  • 01.04.2006 - 31.05.2007, Assistant Professor, Center of Excellence “Biodiversity and Ecosystem Restoration”, Laboratory of Conservation Ecology, Institute of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. 
  • 01.09.2004 - 31.03.2006, Postdoctoral Researcher, Center of Excellence “Biodiversity and Ecosystem Restoration”, Laboratory of Conservation Ecology, Institute of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 
  • 02.02. - 30.04.2004, Lecturer, School of Health and Biosciences, University of East London, UK.

Outreach and Professional Contributions 

  • Reviewer for Deliverable 2(a): Guide on production and integration of assessments from and across all scales of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), since 2014 
  • Scientific secretary of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ), since 2012 
  • Organization of symposia and workshops on biodiversity, ecosystem services and sustainable land use: Nihon to doitsu no satochi satoyama no seibutsutayosei seitaikei sabisu kenkyu (Fukui, 2014), Satoyama Landscapes in Japan, Germany and Beyond (Tokyo, 2013), Biodiversity and Sustainable Development - Ecological and Socio-Economic Challenges for the Conservation and Restoration of Wetlands in Japan and Europe (Germany and Japan, 2007), Report PDF

Selected Publications

Früh-Müller, A., S. Hotes, L. Breuer, V. Wolters, and T. Koellner. 2016. Regional Patterns of Ecosystem Services in Cultural Landscapes. Land 5:17.

Opgenoorth, L., and S. Hotes. 2016. IPBES is in the books: Pollination and scenario assessments are the first two steps to guiding policy makers in the global biodiversity crisis. Frontiers of Biogeography 8.

Hotes, S., K. Sasaki, C. M. Hotes, A. Eigner, A. Früh-Müller, F. Machnikowski, L. Breuer, E.-A. Nuppenau, V. Wolters, and F. Jopp. 2015. Building the basis for sustainable land use – concepts and strategies for implementation in Germany and Japan. Keio Research Institute at SFC (KRIS) Japan Studies Platform Laboratory Working Paper No. 10.

Schmidt, A., K. John, G. Arida, H. Auge, R. Brandl, F. G. Horgan, S. Hotes, L. Marquez, N. Radermacher, J. Settele, V. Wolters, and M. Schaedler. 2015. Effects of Residue Management on Decomposition in Irrigated Rice Fields Are Not Related to Changes in the Decomposer Community. Plos One 10.

Settele, J., J. H. Spangenberg, K. L. Heong, B. Burkhard, J. V. Bustamante, J. Cabbigat, C. Ho Van, M. Escalada, V. Grescho, H. Le Huu, A. Harpke, F. G. Horgan, S. Hotes, R. Jahn, I. Kuehn, L. Marquez, M. Schaedler, V. Tekken, D. Vetterlein, S. B. Villareal, C. Westphal, and M. Wiemers. 2015. Agricultural landscapes and ecosystem services in South-East Asia-the LEGATO-Project. Basic and Applied Ecology 16:661-664.

Schmidt, A., H. Auge, R. Brandl, K. L. Heong, S. Hotes, J. Settele, S. Villareal, and M. Schaedler. 2015. Small-scale variability in the contribution of invertebrates to litter decomposition in tropical rice fields. Basic and Applied Ecology 16:674-680.

Brady, M., K. Hedlund, R.-G. Cong, L. Hemerik, S. Hotes, L. Mattsson, E. Schulz, and I. K. Thomsen. 2015. Valuing Soil Natural Capital in Agriculture. Agronomy Journal 107:1809-1821.

Förster, J., J. Barkmann, R. Fricke, S. Hotes, M. Kleyer, S. Kobbe, D. Kübler, C. Rumbaur, M. Siegmund-Schultze, R. Seppelt, J. Settele, J. H. Spangenberg, V. Tekken, T. Václavík, and H. Wittmer. 2015. Assessing ecosystem services for informing land-use decisions: a problem-oriented approach. Ecology and Society 20.

Tsiafouli, M. A., E. Thebault, S. P. Sgardelis, P. C. de Ruiter, W. H. van der Putten, K. Birkhofer, L. Hemerik, F. T. de Vries, R. D. Bardgett, M. V. Brady, L. Bjornlund, H. B. Jorgensen, S. Christensen, T. D’ Hertefeldt, S. Hotes, W. H. G. Hol, J. Frouz, M. Liiri, S. R. Mortimer, H. Setala, J. Tzanopoulos, K. Uteseny, V. Pizl, J. Stary, V. Wolters, and K. Hedlund. 2015. Intensive agriculture reduces soil biodiversity across Europe. Global Change Biology 21:973-985.

Aue, B., T. Diekötter, T. K. Gottschalk, V. Wolters, and S. Hotes. 2014. How High Nature Value (HNV) farmland is related to bird diversity in agro-ecosystems – Towards a versatile tool for biodiversity monitoring and conservation planning. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 194:58-64.

Hotes, S. and L. Opgenoorth. 2014. Trust and Control at the Science–Policy Interface in IPBES. Bioscience.

Opgenoorth, L., S. Hotes, and H. Mooney. 2014. IPBES: Biodiversity panel should play by rules. Nature 506:159-159.

Hughes, P. D. M., G. Mallon, A. Brown, H. J. Essex, J. D. Stanford, and S. Hotes. 2013. The impact of high tephra loading on late-Holocene carbon accumulation and vegetation succession in peatland communities. Quaternary Science Reviews 67:160-175.

Setälä, H., R. D. Bardgett, K. Birkhofer, M. Brady, L. Byrne, P. C. Ruiter, F. T. Vries, C. Gardi, K. Hedlund, L. Hemerik, S. Hotes, M. Liiri, S. R. Mortimer, M. Pavao-Zuckerman, R. Pouyat, M. Tsiafouli, and W. H. Putten. 2013. Urban and agricultural soils: conflicts and trade-offs in the optimization of ecosystem services. Urban Ecosystems:1-15.

Settele, J., I. Kühn, S. Klotz, G. Arida, E. Bergmeier, B. Burkhard, J. Bustamante, Dao Thanh Truong, M. Escalada, C. Görg, V. Grescho, Ho Van Chien, K. L. Heong, N. Hirneisen, S. Hotes, R. Jahn, T. Klotzbücher, G. Marion, L. Marquez, A. Marxen, R. Moritz, F. Müller, Nguyen Van Sinh, J. Ott, L. Penev, B. Rodriguez-Labajos, M. Schädler, S. Scheu, R. Seppelt, P. Stoev, T. Tscharntke, V. Tekken, K. Thonicke, D. Vetterlein, S. Vidal, S. Villareal, W. Weisser, C. Westphal, M. Wiemers, and J. Spangenberg. 2013. Kulturlandschaftsforschung in Südostasien – das LEGATO-Projekt. Pages 315-323 Geographie und Landeskunde. Deutsche Akademie für Landeskunde e.V., Leipzig.

de Vries, F. T., E. Thebault, M. Liiri, K. Birkhofer, M. A. Tsiafouli, L. Bjornlund, H. B. Jorgensen, M. V. Brady, S. Christensen, P. C. de Ruiter, T. d'Hertefeldt, J. Frouz, K. Hedlund, L. Hemerik, W. H. G. Hol, S. Hotes, S. R. Mortimer, H. Setala, S. P. Sgardelis, K. Uteseny, W. H. van der Putten, V. Wolters, and R. D. Bardgett. 2013. Soil food web properties explain ecosystem services across European land use systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110:14296-14301.

Hotes, S., K. Sasaki, F. Jopp, A. Eigner, and V. Wolters. 2013. Yoroppa ni okeru seibutsu tayosei chiiki senryaku - toku ni doitsu o jirei toshite (Regional biodiversity strategies in Europe - the German example). Landscape Research Japan 77:114-118. (in Japanese)

Limpens, J., G. Granath, R. Aerts, M. M. P. D. Heijmans, L. J. Sheppard, L. Bragazza, B. L. Williams, H. Rydin, J. Bubier, T. Moore, L. Rochefort, E. A. D. Mitchell, A. Buttler, L. J. L. van den Berg, U. Gunnarsson, A. J. Francez, R. Gerdol, M. Thormann, P. Grosvernier, M. M. Wiedermann, M. B. Nilsson, M. R. Hoosbeek, S. Bayley, J. F. Nordbakken, M. P. C. P. Paulissen, S. Hotes, A. Breeuwer, M. Ilomets, H. B. M. Tomassen, I. Leith, and B. Xu. 2012. Glasshouse vs field experiments: do they yield ecologically similar results for assessing N impacts on peat mosses? New Phytologist 195:408-418.

Seppelt, R., B. Fath, B. Burkhard, J. L. Fisher, A. Grêt-Regamey, S. Lautenbach, P. Pert, S. Hotes, J. Spangenberg, P. H. Verburg, and A. P. E. Van Oudenhoven. 2012. Form follows function? Proposing a blueprint for ecosystem service assessments based on reviews and case studies. Ecological Indicators 21:145-154.

Aue, B., K. Ekschmitt, S. Hotes, and V. Wolters. 2012. Distance weighting avoids erroneous scale effects in species-habitat models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3:102-111.

Limpens, J., G. Granath, U. Gunnarsson, R. Aerts, S. Bayley, L. Bragazza, J. Bubier, A. Buttler, L. J. L. van den Berg, A. J. Francez, R. Gerdol, P. Grosvernier, M. M. P. D. Heijmans, M. R. Hoosbeek, S. Hotes, M. Ilomets, I. Leith, E. A. D. Mitchell, T. Moore, M. B. Nilsson, J. F. Nordbakken, L. Rochefort, H. Rydin, L. J. Sheppard, M. Thormann, M. M. Wiedermann, B. L. Williams, and B. Xu. 2011. Climatic modifiers of the response to nitrogen deposition in peat-forming Sphagnum mosses: a meta-analysis. New Phytologist 191:496-507.

Gottschalk, T. K., B. Aue, S. Hotes, and K. Ekschmitt. 2011. Influence of grain size on species-habitat models. Ecological Modelling 222:3403-3412.

Nozoe, K., J. Nishihiro, S. Hotes, and I. Washitani. 2010. Kasumigaura kogan Myoginohana shitsugen ni okeru shokubutsu no shutayosei shihyo toshite no kamonohashi (Importance of Ischaemum aristatum var. glaucum as an indicator of plant species richness in Myoginohana Marsh, Lake Kasumigaura, Japan). Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology 15:281-290. (in Japanese)

Hotes, S., A. P. Grootjans, H. Takahashi, K. Ekschmitt, and P. Poschlod. 2010. Resilience and alternative equilibria in a mire plant community after experimental disturbance by volcanic ash. Oikos 119:952–963. Hotes, S. and V. Wolters, Hrsg. 2010. Fokus Biodiversität - Wie Biodiversität in der Kulturlandschaft erhalten und nachhaltig genutzt werden kann. Oekom-Verlag, München.