
霞ヶ浦湖岸「妙岐の鼻湿原」における植物の 種多様性指標としてのカモノハシ

霞ヶ浦湖岸「妙岐の鼻湿原」における植物の 種多様性指標としてのカモノハシ

Nozoe, K., J. Nishihiro, S. Hotes, and I. Washitani. 2010. Kasumigaura kogan Myoginohana shitsugen ni okeru shokubutsu no shutayosei shihyo toshite no kamonohashi (Importance of Ischaemum aristatum var. glaucum as an indicator of plant species richness in Myoginohana Marsh, Lake Kasumigaura, Japan). Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology 15:281-290. (in Japanese).

Abstract: Myoginohana Marsh is a lowland reed marsh with high indigenous species richness, including 19 endangered species. However, the area dominated by Ischaemum aristatum var. glaucum, which once occupied most of the area of the marsh, has been declining since the late 1990s. We hypothesized that I. aristatum var. glaucum is an indicator of indigenous species richness in the marsh, due to its tussocks, which provide suitable habitat for other species. The marsh vegetation was classified into three distinct types: type C, where Carex deispalata dominates in the middle layer

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